The prompt: tell the story of a textile object that is important to you, as it relates to gender and/or sexuality.
The details: submissions can be any medium that can be printed in two dimensions (essay, drawing, collage, poetry, photograph, etc etc etc).
Some questions to get you thinking:
- How does this object affirm, challenge, or complicate cultural beliefs about what it means to be a woman or a man?
- In many cultures, textile work is designated as “women’s work.” Who made this object? What does its creation story tell us about gender and work?
- What have the tactile sensations of this object taught you about your sexuality?
- What does this object project to the world about your gender or sexuality, intentionally or unintentionally?
- What has this object taught you about masculinity or femininity?
We welcome submissions from people of ALL gender and sexual identities. Everyone has a gender and a sexuality and something to say about it. Yes, that means you! You do not need to be a textile artist or an artist at all to contribute.
Send submissions or questions to by Sept. 30, 2023.