Social Fabric

The Lives of Our Beloved Textiles

An Anthology Zine Edited by Allison Jones

Textiles have a lot to reveal to us. When I was a teenager, I bought a jean jacket from a thrift store. I bleached it, embroidered on it, and sewed on patches, all in an attempt to make something that was truly my own. Each stitch felt like I was imbuing the jacket with power – the power of creative expression, self-actualization, and most of all, care. I don’t wear it anymore, but I’ll probably keep it forever because my teenage self and her budding identity as a queer woman live in the warp and weft of that garment. At the same time, I know that the jacket lived a life long before it got to me, and the memories of its makers, sellers, and wearers all live alongside mine. This is only one of many textile objects that have had a profound impact on my life. If I have them, I know others must too!

In Summer of 2022, I sent out a call – in person, through flyers cross the Twin Cities, MN, and on social media – asking for submission in any medium, responding to the following questions: what stories, memories, and connections are in the textiles that live in your home and next to your skin? How do these objects connect you to other people and to the Earth? What truths are revealed through your objects? What are their powers?

As submissions came in, I was happily shocked how many people resonated with the prompt. The project grew bigger than my own expectations into Social Fabric: the Lives of our Beloved Textiles, an anthology zine. This project was made possible through support from Springboard for the Arts, Racing Magpie, the Creative Community Leadership Institute (CCLI), and through the enthusiasm of the wider community.

I hope to make Social Fabric an annual zine and eventually be able to include hard copy editions, including of this inaugural issue. The zine is free for all to download. If you want to help cover costs of producing this community zine, you can send a few dollars my way with the button below.

Donate to Social Fabric Zine

Questions? Comments? Submissions for future issues? Contact me at